Derek Teaney

Stony Brook University, January 12, 12:00 pm

Relativistic stochastic hydrodynamics: a metropolis approach

First I will briefly review simulations of dynamical critical phenomena used to study the O(4) critical point in QCD. The numerical approach is based on a symplectic step which preserves the phase space, and a dissipative step based on the metropolis algorithm. This is a prototype for all dissipative stochastic systems based on an action and entropy principle.

Then I discuss how the approach can be generalized to relativistic fluid dynamics. I first discuss the advection diffusion equation, presenting numerical results. Then I indicate how the approach can be generalized to relativistic stochastic hydrodynamics in a general coordinate system. A virtue of the approach is that there are no non-hydrodynamic modes, or additional variables. The dynamics is stable causal, although only strictly Lorentz invariant to the order of accuracy of hydrodynamics.